Mom's wedding day duties!

Your wedding day is something you’ve been dreaming about for a long time, but it’s something your mom has probably also been dreaming about for just as long, if not longer!


Well before I go any further, I want you to remember, it’s your day first! The day you say your vows to your the love of your life. And I want you to have the MOST perfect day imaginable!

If you are choosing to have a wedding day surrounded by friends and family far and wide. It’s important to make sure that the day reflects your love story, it’s also important to find a way to involve your mom (and your partner’s mom!). If you're going to include them let’s make sure they feel included. I’m not talking about assigning them wedding day duties - you don’t want them to worry about how the napkins are placed on the table or when dinner is going to be served. You want them hanging out with you! Helping you get in your dress and putting on your necklace, all while they trying not to cry. You want them creating memories on the day of the wedding, not working!


Here are some tips to keep them involved both on the big day and in the days leading up to it but make sure they aren’t your wedding planner:

  • Have a mother-daughter hang out sesh before the wedding, but don’t talk about the wedding. Do something fun that you both like to do together! BUT, No wedding talk!

  • Help her pick out her wedding attire. Finding the right dress is always a challenge. And having your opinion is super nice.

  • Include them in decision making that will make them feel special - think about what’s important to your mom or what her special talents might be. Maybe she’d love to make a special accessory or piece of decor. Or she might be great at setting up hotel blocks and coordinating travel plans for out of town guests! Just make sure it’s not decisions they have to make on the day of or that week! Tasks that keep them involved but aren’t all consuming.

  • Hire a day-of wedding planner to keep things running smoothly so your mom doesn’t feel the need to take on decorating duty!

  • Make sure your mom (and all your relatives!) knows the wedding day timeline so they know where to be and when.

  • Invite the moms to get ready for the wedding along with your bridal party.

  • Treat her to a spa day after the wedding! It’s a great way to recap the special moments of the day together!

The most important thing is that your mom is enjoying the day with you, not working and stressing out about the details! So her main duty is to BE PRESENT on the wedding day, not running around with her head cut off!
